Stands of Westport
you’re looking for a convenient way to pick up the bounty of fresh,
Westport farm products, then you will enjoy this Farm Stands of Westport
photo essay. Find locally grown sweet corn, apples, peaches, squash, pumpkins,
tomatoes, beans, herbs, blueberries, strawberries, green peppers, and
succulent melons. It’s enough to make your mouth water! You will
also discover coastal fruits and vegetables indigenous to Westport like
beach plums, wine berries, and our very own Macomber turnip.
Farm stands from the
dawn of time have been a successful way for farmers to acquire scarce
cash to purchase those items not produced by their land. Today, these
commercial outlets earn money for both small backyard garden owners to
the large commercial farmers alike, while providing fresh, affordable,
nutritious food to lucky Westport residents and visitors.


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