Mosquito Mayhem in the Marshes!

Sunday, September 07, 2008


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The eastern salt marsh mosquito seems to have the coastal area residents along either side of lower Horseneck Road in Dartmouth and Westport fit to be tied as multiplying mosquito populations stalk area inhabitants, harshly biting exposed and unprotected legs and arms. The pesky, thinner mosquito with the silver streaks is a day feeder, adding to the misery of its hosts. 


The eastern salt marsh mosquito, Aedes sollicitans, is a severe biter of man, and is found in grass salt marshes just like those at Allens Pond. “An unfortunate combination of heavy rains in July and an inlet blockage enhanced the breeding ground potential in Allens Pond,” said Gina Purtell, Director of the Allens Pond Sanctuary. “The blockage prevented an important exchange of water between the pond and the ocean, resulting in less salinity in Allens Pond, threatening a normally healthy coastal salt pond ecosystem.”


Mosquitoes can begin to multiply in any standing water that remains for more than four days. Brackish water favors this particular mosquito’s development.


“Allens Pond is a ‘coastal salt pond,’ supporting many unique plant and marine species including bait fish,” said Ms. Purtell. “These fish are largely responsible for controlling mosquito populations by eating the mosquitoes’ larvae.”


Read Audubon Society’s Position on Mosquito Control at Mass Audubon’s Allens Pond Wildlife Sanctuary now!


According to the Woods Hole Research Center, “A coastal salt pond is a shallow marine embayment that receives freshwater inflow from groundwater entering the head of the pond, and saltwater inflow through an inlet from the sea. The inlet is periodically opened and closed by the shifting of barrier sands. Tidal and groundwater inflows mix to form a salinity gradient in the pond. Much of the pond's plant and animal life is segregated along this gradient, because different organisms prefer different salinities. However, conditions will vary greatly with the opening and closing of the inlet, and some organisms will not survive the sudden changes in salinity.”


“When the inlet is closed for a long period of time there will be large-scale die offs among the plant and animal communities, and massive decay will give off unpleasant odors and make the pond unsightly. When the pond is reopened by a breach in the barrier beach the organisms adapted to the fresher water conditions will then die off due to the increasing salinity levels.”


A stressful time for Allens Pond


“Allens pond is under stress,” said Lauren Miller-Donnelly Allens Pond Sanctuary’s property manager. “The marsh grass is suffering. You can see its fall colors (reddish-brown tinge) ahead of schedule (see photo above left).” Without an open inlet to the sea, the flushing action by the ocean’s tides so vital to the health of the pond can’t occur. “Allens Pond was becoming eutrophic, loosing oxygen and creating a dead zone that would not be able to support marine life,” said Ms. Miller-Donnelly. “Allens Pond has suffered channel blockage before and local residents know the resulting stench can be horrible.”


Blocked inlets on Little Beach (pictured left) aren’t a recent problem as every four or five years the ocean’s tides will shift enough sand to obstruct the channel. Summer tides carve sand from the western edge of the channel and deposit it on the eastern edge, essentially shifting the channel westward a bit more every year until it reaches a headland that resists scouring. The combination of these two natural phenomena periodically blocks the channel, at which point, humans step in and dig a fresh channel back at the eastern-most point.


That’s when the Allens Pond Association under permits from the Army Corp of Engineers (ACOE) contracts out to have the channel reopened.


An ambivalent attitude toward the problem by the state and the Town of Dartmouth forced the formation of the Allens Pond Association whose members, mostly property owners around Allens Pond including the Audubon Society, had to organize and periodically reopen the channel at their expense. “It seemed every four to five years we were seeking permits to dredge a channel from the Army Corp of Engineers,” said Bob Cunningham of the Allens Pond Association.


This year there was a problem. “When we applied for a permit in late spring, we were told some of the permitting conditions had changed,” said Mr. Cunningham. “Usually the contractors deposit the dredged sand next to the dunes on the eastern edge of Little Beach, extending the dune line. Now the ACOE wants the sand deposited and spread out over the beach, in essence replenishing the shoreline. No sand can be deposited below the high tide water mark.”


Unfortunately, the new permitting process was lengthy, and many regulatory bodies were involved in the process. The Audubon Society, although not involved in the permitting process, helps facilitate communication between agencies and applicants in this case. “Coordinating all the authorities is a rigorous task,” said Mr. Cunningham. The necessary permit to reopen an inlet on the eastern side of Little Beach has yet to be granted.


“A while back we identified an endangered plant species, “sea beach knotweed”, on Little Beach,” said Ms. Purtell. “We quickly had volunteers go out and flag the plants. None of them interfered with the dredging operation.”


Bristol County Mosquito Control steps in.

Complaints were poring in to the Dartmouth Conservation Commission, Dartmouth Board of Health, and the Bristol County Mosquito Control. “We sent out an excavator in July to extend an existing mosquito control channel through the shoreline on the western edge of Little Beach,” said Wayne Andrews, Superintendent. “Unfortunately it closed up in a few days.”



Left to right: (1) The excavator opens a channel starting from inside the shoreline; (2) the channel moves back to the ocean. A small dam is left in place; (3) the dredging complete, the dam is removed and the pond water rushes to the sea!


Exacerbating this whole problem was the fact that recent testing in North Westport by the Massachusetts Arbovirus Surveillance program had found a positive mosquito result for the West Nile Virus. The mosquito species found is culiseta melanura, which feeds primarily on birds not humans, and emerges from cedar swamps, not salt marshes. “So far, the eastern salt marsh mosquito has not been found to carry the virus,” said Ms. Purtell.


Under a general ACOE permit, Bristol County Mosquito Control is allowed to maintain and extend an existing mosquito control trench on the western edge of Little Beach without seeking additional permits.


On August 29th the excavators were back on the job, this time with heavier equipment to dig a larger inlet. “The trench has to be wide enough and deep enough to sustain heavy exchanges of water without collapsing on itself,” said Steve Burns of Bristol County Mosquito Control. “It’s always tricky to dredge a new channel.” 



Left to right: (1) Bridget Barkley (left) with friends; (2) BCMC Superintendent Wayne Andrews speaking with a local resident; (3) Lauren Miller-Donnelly of Allens Pond Sanctuary (left) with 50 year resident Joe Veiga and Association member (center), and Steve Burns of BCMC.


Bridget Barkley, summer resident on Little Beach, and her friends were kayaking in the pond. “I’m glad they’re doing the temporary dredging,” she said. “We certainly look forward to their doing a more permanent job on the east end of Little Beach.”


“We had to close the inlet in 2003 to protect the pond due to the Buzzards Bay oil spill,” Ms. Miller-Donnelly said. “It was nice to have that option when you need it.”


“We knew there was a problem down here,” Ms. Purtell mused. “The Least Terns, common and others, had left perhaps in part because of bad fishing. Usually the Terns hang around the beach and even come in from other beaches to gorge on the bait fish!”


Superintendent Andrews thought for a moment. “Unfortunately, I believe we would have had increase in mosquito population in spite of the channel issue. The heavy thunderstorm activity this summer placed a lot of pressure, with heavy rains, on Allens Pond. The phragmites, an invasive large perennial grass, create a lot of decaying material, forming a spongy mass which retains water, creating a breeding ground for mosquitoes.”


Editor’s note: The inlet remains open at the time of this writing, and appears to be performing up to expectations.



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