Westport in Brief!


Thursday, January 21, 2021


Quick Article Index . . .

Letter to the Editor – Coastal Healing’s planned marijuana facility is a flawed plan


Letter to the Editor – Letter: Police Officers, firefighters and school staff celebrate Westport teachers.



Letter: Coastal Healing pushes flawed recreational marijuana plan


Thursday, January 21, 2021


Letter to the editor:

Excellent letter from Mike Sullivan pointing out some extremely important issues over Costal Healing’s questionable application tactics for its proposed marijuana retail facility - leveraging the approval of medical-use products to ram in the sale of recreational-use products.  Accordingly, Westport’s involved citizens have voted a firm “NO” to recreational marijuana at least four times.


It seems Coastal Healing sees itself as above the law and has constructed a facility without proper state and federal oversight, specifically regarding pollution, erosion control and “controlled construction.”  The town is taking on unnecessary liabilities by allowing the applicant to be in conflict with state regulations.


The whole process has been murky and the townspeople will be the ones paying off the cost via tax dollars, increased insurance and accidents in the area.


Coastal Healing has chosen a federal highway for the location of its proposed facility, with plans to make it a recreational-use retail site.  Can a federal highway even pass state approval?  Mr. Sullivan has pointed out that this site location will cause danger to clients, employees and travelers on Route 6.  Surely our town authorities know that there is a large increase in traffic accidents and fatalities around such retail dispensaries.  A simple internet search on “traffic fatalities and marijuana legalization” reveals some alarming results. 


Be prepared to see your car insurance increase with this type of business in town, along with creating a less desirable location for other businesses in the area.


We also urge the town authorities to follow the rules so taxpayers are not left with a liability.


Cecilia DelGaudio





Letter: Police Officers, firefighters and school staff celebrate Westport teachers.


Thursday, January 21, 2021


To the editor:


What an awesome event the Westport School Parade was! Kudos to all who worked so hard on this.  I have never felt so appreciated as a teacher and been so moved by the outpouring of town support.  I was truly honored to be a participant.


Thank you to the police Officers, firefighters and school staff who made this happen.


The signs and banners and heartfelt cheers given by all on the parade route were so heartwarming. This event clearly brought positivity and a much-needed boost to all.  I have always been proud to be a Westport teacher, but today was tops!


Inge DeFusco





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