

Directory of Westport Town Boards and Elected Officials

Sponsored by Community Events of Westport

  Updated as of Monday, September 19, 2016



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Click on photos to enlarge




Town Hall



Town Hall Annex



Highway Department Building



Police Station – Main Road



Briggs Road fire station



Hix Bridge Road fire station



Greenwood Terrace elderly housing



Westport Harbormaster’s building



Westport Shellfish Hatchery



Westport Poor Farm - House



Westport Poor Farm - fields and vistas



COA Westport Senior Center



Cherry & Webb Beach at the Nubble



Entrance to Cherry & Webb Beach



East Beach looking west



East Beach surf looking east



Westport Free Public Library –

Getting a face lift!






































 t113 t114




Westport General Information (as of 4/25/2016)


*       Settled – 1670; Incorporated July 2, 1787

*       Total valuation as of 5/1/2013:   $2,944,869,380

*       Residential:  $2,723,333,667

*       Industry:   $8,143,600

*       Commercial:   $164,611,113

*       Personal Property:   $48,781,000

*       Residential:  92.48%;

*       Commercial:  5.59%;

*       Industrial  0.28%;

*       Personal:  1.66%

*       FY 2016 tax rate:   $7.91 per thousand (single rate for all property)

*       2012 population:   15,355

*       Area:   64.4 square miles – 41,216 acres

*       Miles of public road:   140

*       Services:   Limited  municipal water in west State Road area; no town trash collection


Westport’s Representatives

Governor His Excellency, Charles Duane "Charlie" Baker, Jr. (R)

Office of the Governor, Room 360

Boston, MA 02133


Senators In Congress

The Honorable Edward Markey (D)

Washington Office:

Russell Office Building, Rm.218

Washington, D.C. 20510 or

Fall River Office:

222 Millikin Boulevard, Suite 312

Fall River, MA 02721



The Honorable Elizabeth Warren (D)

Washington Office:

317 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

Phone: 202.224.4543

Boston, MA office:

2400 JFK Federal Building

15 New Sudbury Street

Boston, MA 02203

Phone: 617.565.3170


Representative In Congress

The Honorable Bill Keating (D)

4th District

Washington, DC Office: 202.225.3111
Quincy District Office: 617.770.3700
Cape & Islands District Office: 508.771.0666


Senator In General Court

The Honorable Michael J. Rodriques (D)

1st Bristol District State House Room 167, Boston, MA 02133 or

One Government Center, Fall River, MA 02720

Somerset Town Hall, 140 Wood Street

Somerset, MA 02726



Representative In General Court

The Honorable Paul A. Schmid, III (D)

Chair Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture

8th Bristol District State House, Room 473, Boston, MA 02133 or

One Government Center, Fall River, MA 02720



Emergency Phone Numbers


*       Police:   911

*       Fire: Emergency Briggs Road station; Central Village station,   911

*       Ambulance:   911

*       Westport Fire Department: Hixbridge Road station   (508) 636-1110

*       Westport Fire Department: Briggs Road station   (508) 672-0721

*       Westport Police Station: Main Road   (508) 636-1122

*       Westport Police Station: Substation   (508) 675-1122




Elected Officials


Selectmen:  Link  (508) 636-1003


*       Antone C. Vieira Jr. (2017)

*       Steven J. Ouellette (2017) 

*       Craig G. Dutra, Vice Chairman (2018)  

*       R. Michael Sullivan, Chairman (2018)  

*       Shana Shufelt, Clerk (2019)   

Click on photo to enlarge.


R. Michael Sullivan

Craig G. Dutra

Steven J. Ouellette      

Antone C. Vieira Jr.

Shana Shufelt


Town Administrator – Tim King:

Business Manager - open:

Denise Bouchard - Secretary:


Diane Pelland - Administrative Asst/Confidential Clerk -



Assessors  Link   (508) 636-1012


*       Stephen J. Medeiros, Chairman (2019)

*       John J. McDermott (2017)

*       Robert Grillo, Chairman (2018)


Board Of Commissioners Of Trust Funds  Link


*       Sean Dooley (2019)

*       Maxwell Turner (2017)

*       George Foster (2018)


Board of Health  Link   (508) 636-1015


*       Dr. John J. Colletti, Chairman (2018)

*       Bill Harkins, Vice-Chairman (2019)

*       Karl W. Santos, (2017)


Building Department  Link    (508) 636-1035


*       Ralph Souza, Building Commissioner/Zoning Enforcement Officer Nelia Williams, Principle Clerk

*       Deborah Bissonnette, Senior Clerk



Cemetery Department  Link  (508) 636-1025


*       Cemetery Director – Vacant  


Constables  Link


*       Arthur Caesar (2017)

*       William A. Pariseau (2017)


Fish Commissioners  Link

Licenses available at the Town Clerk’s Office   (508) 636-1000


*       Peter Kastner (2019)  

*       George Yeomans (2017) 

*       Everett Mills (2018)


Highway Deoartment  Link  (508) 636-1020


*       Chris Gonsalves – Highway Surveyor 


Housing Authority  Link  (508) 675-2039


*       Veronica Beaulieu (2019)

*       Ronald E. Costa (2019)

*       Elizabeth A. Collins (2018)

*       Denise Leonardo (2019)

*       Lois Spirlrt (State Appointed) (2012)


Landing Commissioner  Link  Fax: (508) 636-1147


*       Alexandra R. Sullivan (2019)

*       Carl Tripp - Chairman (2018)

*       Jefferson L. Bull (2018)

*       Newton Millham (2017)

*       Brad Brightman (2019)


Library Trustees of Free Public Library


*       Mark E. Pawlak (2018)

*       Pauline B. Dooley (2017)

*       Robert J. Gormley (2019)

*       Paul Cabral (2018)

*       James Walsh Jr. (2017)


Planning Board:  Link  (508) 636-1037


*       James K. Hartnett, Town Planner Vacant, Assistant Town Planner

*       Joan Steadman, Recording Clerk

*       Lucy Tabit, Assistant Planner

*       James T. Whitin, Chairman (2017)

*       William D. Raus, Vice Chairman (2019)

*       David Cole (2021)

*       Marc De Rego, Clerk (2018)

*       Andrew Sousa (2020)


Regional School Committee  Link


*       Paul Jennings (2017)


Tax Collector  Link  (508) 636-1010


*       Carol A. Borden, Collector of Taxes (2017)  


Town Clerk  Link  (508) 636-1000


*       Marlene M. Samson (2017)

*       Bernadette Oliver,  Assistant Town Clerk 


Permits issued by the Town Clerk:

Dog, Fishing, Shellfish, Scallop, Hunting Licenses; Beach Stickers; Raffle-Bazaar Permits; Marriage Licenses; Candidacy Forms for Elected Office; Annual Reports; and Voting Precinct Maps

Permits to Burn issued by the Fire Department


Town Meeting Moderator:  (508) 496-8978


*       Steven W. Fors (2019)


Treasurer:   (508) 636-1007


*       Brad Brightman, Town Treasurer

*       Stella Farris, Principle Clerk




Appointed Officials


Click here for a complete listing of all Westport Appointed Officials as of September 9, 2012   PDF


Town Administrator:  Jack Healey (508) 636-1150


Police Chief: Keith Pelletier   (508) 636-1122


Fire Chief: Brian Legendre   (508) 672-0721


Interim Council on Aging Director:  Christine Quinn  (508) 636-1026


Animal Control Officer:  Donna Lambert   (508) 636-1115


Acting Building Inspector:  Ralph Souza  (508) 636-1035


Harbormaster:  Richard B. Earle  (508) 636-1105


Finance Committee Members:

(Appointed by Town Moderator)

*       Marybeth Ferrarini    (508) 636-4626

*       Hugh Morton   (508) 636-8258

*       Shana Shufelt, Vice Chairman  

*       Charles “Buzzy” Baron, Chairman   (508) 636-6175

*       Robert McCarthy   (508) 636-4333

*       Warren Messier   (508) 678-4946

*       John E. Miller   (508) 636-8409

*       Tracy Priestner   (508) 636-8285

*       Mark Carney   (401) 261-4464

Finance Committee Recording Clerk: Nicole Botelho  (508) 636-1040





Library: 408 Old County Road   (508) 636-1100


*       Director, Susan Branco


Click here for library hours and Directory of Personnel.


Zoning Board of Appeals:  (508) 636-1003


*       Diane Pelland, Secretary

*       Donna Lambert, Clerk (2016)

*       Gerald Coutinho (2014)

*       Christopher J. Graham, Vice Chairman (2013)

*       Clayton Harrison, Chairman (2014)

*       Heather L. LeBoeuf (2015)

Associate Members – 1 year term

*       Gary P. Simmons (2013)

*       Larry Kidney (2013)



Click here for a complete listing of all Westport Appointed Officials as of September 9, 2012   PDF






School Committee:   


*       Antonio Viveiros, 

*       Carolina Africano,

*       Nancy Rioux, Vice Chair,

*       Margot DesJardins,

*       Mark Carney


Administration: (508) 636-1140


Superintendent: Dr. Ann Marie Dargon


Special Education Coordinator: Elaine Santos


Student Services: John Phelan


Public Schools


Alice A. Macomber School: (508) 678-8671

154 Gifford Road

Kristina Delaplain, Principal - Principal
Carolyn Lavalley, Lead Teacher.

Web site


Westport Elementary School: (508) 636-1075

380 Old County Road

Thomas Gastall, Principal
Stacey Duquette, Assistant Principal.

Web site


Westport Junior/Senior High School: (508) 636-1050

19 Main Road

Cheryl Tutalo – Senior High School Principal

Carolyn Pontes, Junior High School Principal

Jason Pacheco - Athletic Director

Web site


Parks and Beaches                   


Horseneck Beach State Reservation - West Beach road at end of Route 88: Fishing, swimming, bathhouse and picnics. Camping charge for improved site; parking fee.


East Beach - East Beach Road, charge for town permit.


Town Beach - Cherry and Webb Lane, charge for town permit.


Gooseberry Island – Located on West Beach Road, is free and open to the public.


Baker’s Beach – Private


Elephant Rock Beach – Private       website


Howland Beach - Private




Hixbridge Road

Transfer Station

Permit required at Board of Health - $30 sticker

(508) 636-1015

Additional fee for each 33-gallon container.

Punch cards available.

Hours: Mon, Thurs, Fri, Sat, & Sun 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Transfer Station Monitor, Raymond Larner (far left)







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