Westport in Brief!


Tuesday, March 04, 2014



Quick Article Index . . .


Boater Education - Now Is The Time To Apply.


Westport Art Group’s Annual Spring Juried Show.


Westport Federal Credit Union Announces 11th Annual Scholarship Program.


Candidate's Night March 19th at Westport High School.


Westport firefighter in critical condition.


The Shattuck opens their 2014 exhibition season on April 2nd.


Boater education - now is the time to apply.

This is a 7-week training course, and a certificate will be awarded upon successful completion. 


Tuesday, March 04, 2014


Boater education - now is the time to apply.


Although recreational boating may be a year round sport for some enthusiasts, the traditional recreational season is a little more than two months away.  


First District Coast Guard, Northern Region unfortunately has already recorded one too many casualty reports with regards to winter recreational boating this year.  Coast Guard Command in response is encouraging safe boating awareness and Safe Boating Education.  


In an effort to reduce boating incidents, injuries and casualties, Coast Guard Auxiliary units around the country are conducting boater education courses.   Westport Flotilla 6-18 will be offering a Safe Boating Course entitled About Boating Safety.  Enrollment is now open and all interested boaters of all ages are encouraged to attend. 


About Boating Safety begins Tuesday, March 18, 2014 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Westport Fire Department, 54 Hix Bridge Road, Westport, and will continue every Tuesday evening for seven weeks.


The course fee is $35.00.


This is a 7-week training course, and a certificate will be awarded upon successful completion. 


For more information or to enroll, email Instructor Frank MacKinnon at LazyDaze4@Verizon.net  or visit them at: www.uscgauxwestport.org.



“It’s extremely important to get the Safe Boating message out,” said Thomas Chamberlin Flotilla Commander.  “But it’s even more important for us to realize that boating casualties aren’t just numbers.  They were friends, parents, spouses, sons, and daughters. Hold your loved ones accountable and make sure they take the right steps to come home safely no matter what time of year they're recreational boating!”



The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is a uniformed volunteer component of the United States Coast Guard created by an Act of Congress in 1939. The Auxiliary, America's Volunteer Guardians, supports the Coast Guard in nearly all of the service's missions.


Photo/Marshall A. Ronco, SO-PA1    

Frank MacKinnon, Lead - Public Education Instructor, Flotilla 06-18 Westport, instructs students on marine fire extinguishers, ABS Class 2013.  






















Westport Art Group’s Annual Spring Juried Show.


Wednesday, March 05, 2014


Call for Artists: Westport Art Group’s Annual Spring Juried Show, judged By Dedee and William Shattuck, will run on Saturday and Sunday, April 5th and 6th, from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.


Please join them for the reception and Presentation of Awards on Sunday April 6th, from 3–5 p.m. at WAG, 1740 Main Road, Westport Point.


Artist Eligibility:

The Spring Show is open to all New England Artists.



Entries must be original work completed within the last three years, may not have been done as a class exercise or exhibited previously at WAG. Laser Prints, photography, or digitally assisted works are not accepted for this juried show.


Three (3) wall entries: non-refundable entry fee: 1 Entry $15, 2 Entries $20, and 3 Entries $25.


All pieces must have the artist’s identification on the back and price on the front. Please have your name, address, phone number and price on the back of each work.


Photo credit: “Net Profits”, oil by Dennis Broadbent



First Prize $100, Second Prize $75, Third Prize $50. Best Interpretation of Theme $50



Due to gallery space, all artwork must be no larger than 144” in circumference including frame.



Work must be properly framed and wired for hanging on a wall. Saw tooth hangers are not allowed. Stretched canvas or panels with finished sides are permitted as long as no staples show. Pieces that do not meet the criteria will not be displayed.



All work must be for sale. All sales will be subject to WAG’s 20% commission. Checks will be mailed after the show.



Hand delivered only. Entries may be dropped-off at the WAG Center, 1740 Main Road, Westport Point, MA, on Thursday, April 3, from 4 – 7 PM.



Work may be picked up on Sunday, April 6, 5 – 6 PM or Monday, April 7, 4-7 PM. Works not picked up within 90 days become the property of WAG.



The Westport Art Group cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage of artwork. Every possible care will be taken in the handling of artwork submitted.


Intake Form

A printable copy of the Intake Form is available on the WAG website: www.westportartgroup.com For information contact Show Chairperson: Jackie William at 508-676-7642 or email jacklynawilliam@gmail.com




Westport Federal Credit Union Announces 11th Annual Scholarship Program.


Wednesday, March 05, 2014


Westport Federal Credit Union is pleased to announce the start of their 11th annual scholarship program.


Two separate types of scholarships will be awarded to local students. The Westport Federal Credit Union scholarship will be given to current college/postsecondary institution students. The Alfred Lewis Memorial Scholarship is awarded to current high school seniors who are looking to further their education beyond high school. The latter is named after a long time director for Westport Federal Credit Union.


Scholarship applications are available at the Main Office, located at 655 State Road, Westport, the Central Village Branch, 790 Main Road, Westport and the Fall River Branch, 73 Reeves Street, Fall River.


Applications may also be obtained on the Westport Federal Credit Union website, http://www.westport.org/scholarships, or through the guidance department at the local high schools.


Click here to download application. PDF


Student or family member must be a member of the Westport Federal Credit Union. This may include parents and grandparents. Membership qualifications must be met by December 31, 2012. Application deadline is March 28, 2014.




Candidate's Night March 19th at Westport High School.


Friday, March 07, 2014


Westport voters are invited to the Candidates Night on Wednesday March 19th at the High School auditorium, starting at 6:30 p.m.


Karen Powell, President of the Westport Education Foundation, will be the moderator. The audience will have the opportunity to ask questions of the candidates for the four contested races and hear positions for and against six ballot questions.


The Board of Selectmen has three candidates for two open seats: two incumbents Steven J. Ouellette and Antone C. Vieira Jr., and Richard M. Tongue, former Selectman.


The School Committee has three candidates for one open seat: incumbent Michael P. Sullivan, Nancy Rioux, school psychologist in New Bedford, and Christopher Parker, educational consultant.


The two candidates for one position on the Regional School Committee are incumbent Paul R. Jennings and John J. Baughan, retired businessman.


The Constables have three candidates for two open seats: two incumbents Joseph Migliori and William A. Pariseau, and Arthur G. Caesar, veteran.


Uncontested candidates will have an opportunity to introduce themselves.


The six ballot questions asking for Yes or No answers are:

1. Funding $500,000 in taxation for the Capital Stabilization Fund;

2. Add real estate tax assessments of $949,465 for operating budgets of which $557, 937 is for the schools and $391,526 is for the Town;

3. Nonbinding request for Town Meeting Warrant Article to reduce Community Preservation surcharge on real estate taxes from 2% to 1%;

4. Change elected Treasurer position to appointed;

5. Explore options to reduce number of Town-owned buildings and explore consolidation of operations in remaining buildings;

6. Nonbinding question - should the Town support building a casino within Southeastern Mass.


The 2014 Candidates Night is sponsored by Westport Business to Business, WES-MAC PTO, Westport Middle School Association, WePAC, the North End Neighborhood Association, and the Dartmouth/Westport Chronicle.


For questions or more information please call Elaine Ostroff at 508.636.6537.




Westport firefighter in critical condition.


Friday, March 07, 2014


Story updated March 12, 2014:

Injured Westport Firefighter, Steve Lopes’ condition upgraded from critical to serious after his surgery, said Deputy Chief Allen “Sam” Manley.


Manley would not discuss Lopes’ injuries, only saying that Westport firefighters “have been with him around the clock.”


Inset: Firefighter Lopes fell from this icy roof while attempting to extinguish a chimney fire.


The seven-year member of the Westport Fire Department endured six hours of surgery last Friday for multiple, traumatic injuries.


Manley said Lopes faces a long, long road to recovery.


The 47-year-old Lopes, best known for his role as “The Portuguese Firemen,” fell 30 feet from the icy roof of a Westport home while fighting a chimney fire.


41-year-old firefighter, Robert Manchester, injured trying to keep Lopes from falling, is doing well and has been able to return to work, according to Manley.


Friday, March 07, 2014

A 47-year-old Westport firefighter is in critical condition, a result of falling from the roof of a 2 ½ story house while fighting a chimney fire, according to Fire Chief Brian Legendre.


A second firefighter also fell 10 feet to a first floor dormer in a heroic attempt to stop the fall and save the first firefighter.


The Westport Fire Department responded Thursday at 7:54 p.m. to a reported chimney fire at a 153 American Legion Highway home owned by Michael O’Conner.


In the process of fighting the blaze, firefighter Steve Lopes, a seven year veteran of the Westport Fire Department, slipped on roof ice Wednesday, and fell approximately 30 feet to the ground. He was treated at the scene by Westport firefighters and transported to Rhode Island Hospital with multiple, traumatic injuries.


He remains in critical condition.


Lopes (pictured to the right), well known as “The Portuguese Fireman,” is a popular, local comedian, who centers his humor on Portuguese family life, and describes himself as a "New England firefighter who dabbles in comedy."


A second firefighter, Robert Manchester, also fell approximately 10 feet in a selfless attempt to stop Lopes from falling. Manchester landed on a first floor roof dormer and was brought to safety through a second floor window.


The 41-year-old Manchester was transported to Charlton Memorial Hospital by a member of the Tiverton Fire Department where he was evaluated and released.


A joint investigation by the Westport Fire and Police Departments is ongoing at this time; however, the likely cause of the fall was the result of ice on the roof, sprayed there by a well-meaning house tenant in an attempt to put out the fire.


The first three months of the new year have been particularly difficult for Westport firefighters as they attempt to keep up with fires that are probably the cause of the unusually cold and bitter winter weather, and heating systems that are under pressure from extended use.




The Shattuck opens their 2014 exhibition season on April 2nd.

Three Artists' diverse explorations of structure. South, Myoda and Ott break their varied influences down into structural elements, and create work examining the building blocks of these influences. 


Friday, March 07, 2014


Inset: Jane South, Blue Ellipse, 2007, hand-cut paper, ink, acrylic & bass wood, 36" x 60" x 10"


Dedee Shattuck Gallery is pleased to present Articulated Structure, an exhibition of three artists examining structure through artistic media. This exhibit investigates the roots of architectural, neurological, musical, and visual form.


Jane South travels through New York City by bicycle, observing the diverse configuration bridges, buildings, tunnels, and roadways that make up the urban landscape. South visualizes the architectural skeletons beneath the surface, bringing these impressions back to her studio where she constructs meticulously hand cut and painted paper sculptures. Her process is intuitive and focused, resulting in imaginative and compelling works. Jane South is a recipient of Joan Mitchell Foundation and Pollock-Krasner Foundation grants, her work has been featured in The New York Times, ArtForum, and Art in America, she has shown at Museum of Arts and Design, NY, and Mass MoCA.


Paul Myoda’s interactive sculptures are methodically designed to attract and surprise viewers using laser-cut acrylic, aluminum, 3D printed plastic, LED lights and electronics. Myoda will exhibit a new chapter of an ongoing series. Glittering Machines: John Bonham, 2014 represents a body of work inspired by frequency visualizations of Led Zeppelin drummer, John Bonham’s iconic drum sequences. The works are informed by Myoda’s research on synesthesia, cognitive neuroscience, and computational geometry.  NEA and Warhol Foundation grant recipient, Paul Myoda exhibits globally and has work in the collections of MoCA Miami and San Diego, he is co-creator of the September 11th memorial Tribute in Light.


Jacqueline Ott’s images are a result of an evolving system of mark making that she creates and refines through series of drawings. Working in graphite, acrylic paint, gouache and ink, Ott uses a self-defined language of color and mark making to explore variations on imagery and form. The images have the precision of digital drawings, but are laced with tells of a hand-done process. Jacqueline Ott is an NEA grant recipient and has work in the collections of MFA Boston and the RISD Museum. 


This exhibit explores the expressions of three analytical creative minds.  Each artist produces variations on explorations of the structural building blocks of a range of influences.


Articulated Structure

Wednesday, April 2nd through Sunday, April 27th

Artists’ reception Saturday, April 5th from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.


For more information about Articulated Structure, to arrange an interview with Dedee Shattuck or with the artists, or to obtain additional publicity images, please contact Isabel Mattia at isabel@dedeeshattuckgallery.com


1 Partners Lane, Westport, MA 02790 | www.dedeeshattuckgallery.com | 508.636.4177

Wed – Sat 10 am – 5pm, Sun 12pm – 5pm




© 2014 Community Events of Westport.  All rights reserved.
